Krzysztof Kałek

Esarhaddon’s Eastern Campaigns 5-13

Stefan Yordanov

Potestary political cultures in change in times of change: Interactions in the aegean region and the eastern mediterranean at the end of the bronze age and the beginning of the iron age, 15-39

Benedetto Bravo

Un testo ionico su una laminetta di piombo del V secolo a.C. trovata a Lattes (Languedoc). Magia, affari, diritto, produzione di garélaion, novità lessicali, 41-76

Mads Lindholmer

The Assassination of Philip II: An Elusive Mastermind, 77-110

Elisabeth Buchet

Étiologies ovidiennes : la nudité des Luperques (Fastes, II, v. 283–384), 111-118

Karol Kłodziński

The Careers of Equestrian a rationibus: The Issue of ‘Specialism’, 119-138

Danuta Okoń

Titulus pictus from Novae – A New Reading, 141-149

Adam Ziółkowski

The Servian enceinte: should the debate continue?, 151-170


Peter Gainsford, Early Greek Hexameter Poetry. Greece & Rome. New surveys in the classics. 43, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2015, 150 pages (Katarzyna Kostecka), 171-175

Atti del Convegno di studi «Agatocle, re di Sicilia» nel 2300° anniversario della morte (Siracusa, 14-15/10/2011) [ArchStorSir, XLVI, s. IV, III (2011)], Siracusa 2013 (Paolo Daniele Scirpo), 177-182

Guidelines to Contributors, 183-185

